Take the westbound train from Armstrong (or from further afield if you prefer) to mile marker 54.6 at the Allanwater Bridge. Follow the Allanwater River north through Brennan Lake, Lower Allanwater River into Wabakimi Lake. Exit into Ogoki River through Kenoji Lake to Whitewater Lake (check out the Wendell Beckwith cabins on Best Island). Take the SW exit through McKinley Lake, Smoothrock Lake to Boilingsand River and Tamarack Lake.
You can finish with a pre-arranged shuttle from Tamarack Lake along the Trail Lake Rd or take a short paddle south to the Bath Lake train stop.
The trip can be shortened by 3 days if you omit Kenoji and Whitewater Lakes, by leaving Wabakimi Lake via Lower Wabakimi to Smoothrock Lake.
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