Pikitigushi River
Shuttle 5km from Armstrong to the bridge on Little Caribou Lake. Cross Caribou Lake into Caribou River and paddle across Smoothrock Lake to Outlet Bay. Follow Berg River north to Whitewater Lake. Exit to NE through Ogoki River to Whiteclay Lake, Raymond River, Butland, Cliff and Ratte Lakes. Follow the Pikitigushi River to Pikitigushi Lake and the take-out at the bush road bridge. Check out the pictographs on Cliff Lake. Take a pre-arranged shuttle back to Armstrong.
This is a 215km (133 mile) 14 day canoe trip.
Or take the shortcut from Caribou River via Lonebreast Bay and Mckinley Lake to the eastern end of Smoothrock Lake. This will shorten the trip to 10 days for the 175km (109 mile) route.
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