Take the train from Armstrong to mile 24.7 at Schultz's Trail. follow the trail to a campsite and Onamakawash Lake. Paddle North towards Lookout River and Spring Lake. Then all the way north on the western arm of Smoothrock Lake to Outlet Bay, Berg River and Ogoki River into Whitewater Lake. Exit at the SW via McKinley Lake to Smoothrock Lake, Caribou River, Caribou Lake and Little Caribou Lake to the take-out by the bridge at the south end. The bridge is 5km (3 miles) from the town of Armstrong.
This is a 170km (108 mile) 9 to 10 day canoe trip.
You can shorten the trip to 5 or 6 days by omitting Berg and Whitewater Lake.
For a paddle-in route, shuttle to Magotte Lake and paddle north through Kenakskannis, Boulder and Shawanabis Lakes to Onamakawash and continue as described above. 12 days
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