Wabakimi Maps

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February 15, 2025
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Allanwater River I
Allanwater River I Take the train from Armstrong (or from further afield if you prefer) to mile 54.6 at the Allanwater Bridge. Follow the Allanwater River north through Brennan Lake (or the less travelled alternate route through Windfall Lake to the west end of Brennan lake). Then the lower Allanwater River into Wabakimi Lake. Exit east to Lower Wabakimi Lake, Smoothrock Lake and the Caribou River. Cross Caribou Lake to Little Caribou Lake and the take-out by the bridge at the south end. The bridge is 5km (3 miles) from the town of Armstrong.
To shorten the trip to 6 days. paddle to the south-east end of Granite Lake and take the portage to Van Ness Lake and follow the route through Cache and Onamakawash Lakes to the train stop at Schultz’s Trail, mile marker 24.7

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Allanwater River I Can$20

©2011 Saturday, February 15, 2025